The world of weight loss can be a confusing place, but one thing all experts -- including myself -- seem to agree on is that drinking water is essential for losing weight. Really, though, how much water do you need$%: Do you have to drink eight glasses of water every single day$%: And if that much water helps you lose weight, wouldn't drinking even more stimulate fast weight loss$%:
There are just as many myths surrounding the water-to-weight-loss corollary as there are facts. Sorting them out is your key to effective water consumption when you're dieting. First, the bad news is that you really do have to drink that much water, eight 8-oz glasses, for a total of 64 ounces every day. Some experts put forth the idea that any fluid is interchangeable, or that you can use sodas, milk or any fluid. However, if you really want an effective diet plan and fast weight loss, you have to drink plain water -- no substitutions.
Another point to consider is that when you drink the water is just as important as how much you drink. Drinking eight glasses of water all at once is not only an unpleasant proposition, it's ineffective. Your body can only digest 32 ounces (1 quart) of water every hour, or 8 ounces every fifteen minutes. Most people don't realize it, but water is a food and must be digested, just like everything else you take in to your body. The best time to drink your daily water is between meals, rather than with meals, so that you feel full when you aren't eating, and so the water doesn't interfere with your digestion.
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When should you drink more than eight glasses of water$%: If you need to lose a massive amount of weight (generally, if your current weight is over 300 pounds), if you work outside, or if you exercise frequently, you'll need to increase your fluid intake. Keep in mind that whenever you exercise, you're going to sweat, and that equates to water loss. You'll need to drink more water to make up for the loss.
A successful diet must include proper water intake. Finding out exactly how much water you should drink can be a process of trial and error. Too much fluid intake can interfere with weight loss, so you should experiment to find the right level for you.