Are you ready for this shocking bit of information$%: The hottest women are used to excessive attention from men. That's a fact.
Are you surprised$%:
I know you're not... well, I'm going to share with you here briefly that best way on how to attract hot women, the high caliber ones.
Before going into it, I want to take a second and pretend to be one of these women. You must see what they see in order for you to get it... this is what hot women go through just about every day.
So imagine with me for a moment...
You just get out of the subway, walking to your favorite store to return a pair of jeans that you purchased from the store a couple days ago.
Not 30 seconds off the subway and some guy looks at you and smiles. He holds eye contact for a few seconds past the point of comfort, says nothing and keeps walking.
Now when you get up on the street level, some other man looks at you and says, "Yeow, you're hot." And keeps on looking at you as you walk right by him.
What was that guy thinking$%: Was he thinking that you were going to turn around and hunt him down just because he showed some interest$%: C'mon. This is really getting old. You just want to return your jeans!
Finally, you get to the store. Now you're on your way to the counter when a very sophisticated older man comes up to you.
He looks like a nice man and hold us some conversation quite well. He says that you have beautiful eyes and a great smile.
This is refreshing somewhat, why$%: Because he is actually paying attention to other details. However, his compliments don't end there, now he's taking a look at your breasts and telling you that your shirt is very nice. Alright already... enough grampa, I understand.
Now he's telling you that he'd like to buy you a diamond necklace to go on your very nice top.
Say what$%: What on earth did you do to win over this old man's attention$%: This guy must be very desperate to do something like that. Does he do this to all the girls he meets$%: Can you now see why life can be quite frustrating for the hottest ladies around$%:
Just about all men are either too afraid to approach women is a genuine manner or they are too nice, so nice that it makes you sick to your stomach!
They key is to be different!
Yes, be different! Money, fame or looks is not the way to get attention or to build attraction with these hot ladies. You've got to be totally different and differentiate yourself from all the other men who have approached her or given her attention in the most recent days.
Here are my two most effective ways to set yourself apart from other men... first off have the guts and confidence to approach the hot lady. Give her eye contact and hold it and carry on a normal conversation with her. Most men are scared to death, intimidated by gorgeous women. Do not be one of those men!
Second, be more into her personality rather than her physical beauty. Take some time to learn what makes her different from all the other women around you. Learn about the things that she likes, her hobbies, her passions, what are her goals, etc. Then use those as launch points to show your interest in her.
Nail those two things down and you'll be a gazillion years ahead of 99.9% of the men out there who have no clue on how to attract hot women.