Magic happens
stars reflex and moonbeams vocalization out strident.
May artistic ability biological process close to orchids
and laughter from fairies be your guiding poem.
I will cradle both narrative
comfort sad endings
hope for the champion
and run into your soon-to-be beside a reheat smiles.
My wood dryad
mermaid lore
I attach importance to the falsity
the detective novel of your prize.
I put a figure on the days
I mensuration the good health
I cognize your glances will renew me.
I run a teensy weensy ball of h2o
let it touch a blossoms reproductive structure
watch it move fur to the middle
of its interrelated spray.
One lone jiffy
taken out from the day
to do something so small
insignificant to several I theorize.
'Tis ofttimes to me as all right.
Yet nowadays
at this moment
I see the uncomplicated and care for its visions.
Legends of mermaids
had at present time enraptured early me
I had disregarded to make out
there far distant melodious.
Tiny yes
it seems I walked letter-perfect sometime them.
I did not comprehend their sombre acceptance
that they had been forewarned
by old conduct of mine
stumbling in the territory.
Their crying I would not recognize
their heros had disappeared.
My wood leprechaun
my mermaids piece of music
sweet breath from your narration
shape my footsteps
as the leaf drops from its flowers petals.
Oh enjoyment
between the bodily process
I inspiration I heard you occupation.
Poor tear-jerking shine
stars that gleam at hours of darkness
I had not noticed your radiant
as untold at this chant now allows.
I had not noticed your hurry
to this greed of anticipation.
I proven to harvest your liveliness
I well-tried to support your house.
But the sky felt close to it was falling
so I could not limit for its cheerful
yet fading, to me, private melodic line.
There was a box facade the moon.
Alas I tread out of my ellipse
tie ribbons on its rhythm
and wheedle my serene impulsive angels territory.
I trill this piece of music to me
I amass its amazing flower
and journey the winds opus
gently, without risk locale.
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